
Resultados de la búsqueda

lunes, 3 de junio de 2019


Hey, guys! Today I'm going to talk to you about gender roles and stereotypes.
Right now, gender roles and stereotypes are so important in this society, I think feminism helps to change the definition of things like girls things and boys things. I like that because it's necessary for the future, for people's freedom. The road is slow, but sure, so I think in the future gender roles and stereotypes will end. We need a feminist (or non-sexist) education in school, in high school and in university, because that education helps to understand the diversities of people that exist in the world.
In my personal experience, gender roles were present in my life in high school because I studied in a Catholic girls' school, so teachers and officials always tell us how we should behave and I was, for example, like a delicate woman, so I don't believe in gender roles and stereotypes, they only limit people and make them act in one way when there are many ways.

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